
Most of our Skirmishes use the following simple system, though occasionally the more detailed Campaign Rules can be used if desired to interlink games.

Although our skirmishes are ultimately about having fun, it can be useful to track your individual performance throughout each event.

To this effect, the following titles are awarded at the end of each session.


Key Performance Indicator: Highest number of confirmed kills

Kills are recorded at the end of each game and tallied up. Winner is the person with the highest number of kills over the whole day/weekend.


Key Performance Indicator: Highest Victory Points

Points are awarded at the end of the game and are dependent upon game type

Member of winning team 2 points
As above but still alive at the end of game 3 points



The victory conditions for some games are considered harder to achieve than others, hence the following additional weightings are applied. See Game  types for more details.

Successful Bomb Run defence* 2 points
Successful Dispatch run** 5 points


*This can be adjusted by the RTO depending upon the difficulty of the defences that the assault team have to overcome.

**This can be adjusted by the RTO depending upon the time of year and amount of cover available.


These are single awards tracked over the course of the session.  The current highest value will be tracked from game to game. At the end of the session the current high water mark will win.

Achievement Metric
Killing Spree Highest Number of Kills in any one game.
Survivalist Longest number of consecutive games without being killed.