Film TV & Media work

We’d love to help make your vision a reality.

Making a movie or TV documentary set in the medieval period? Then look no further! Many film & television production companies have leveraged the expertise offered by living historians; and Sir William Harrington’s Companye can help you realise these benefits.The advantage of using us over standard hired extras is that we live and breathe the medieval period and can bring this to your production:

Need a large supply of supporting artistes who can use a bow and arrow competently and actually hit a target when required? – No problem.

Warriors who can actually handle the weapons & armour of the period instead of learning on the job during multiple takes at your expense? – No problem.

Plus, if your wardrobe budget is tight then we can supply our own appropriate period weapons, armour and costume for our artistes, thus saving you a small fortune in wardrobe and prop costs.

Need to create a medieval scene? – We have tents, tournament gallery, palisades/stockades, benches, fires, tables, and can bring to life the sights of a bygone era.

By using the Companye you can create a realistic, authentic medieval look and feel straight out of the box!

We specialise in realistic combat – we are not qualified stunt people – however, we can provide realistic and safe fighting action as well as medieval military drill and tactics.

Members of the Companye have appeared in Lorna Doone (BBC), Gladiator (Scott Free, 1999), and the hollywood epic Robin Hood, starring Russell Crowe.

Historical Consultants
In addition to the above, if you are looking for advice on the medieval period then we are willing to assist with research, and have a rich pool of knowledge for you to draw upon.

If you are location hunting, we can also help you save time and money by leverage our relationships with heritage properties across the country and suggest locations suitable for your production.

In addition, we have the full panoply of medieval life and can provide background scenery to help your set come to life even in a empty field!

We also have contacts within the pyrotechnics industry who we can work with to complement our abilities.

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